A Romanian soup base for other recipes like ciorba de facole and can even used to make pasta sauce. It has a sweet taste and is simple to make.
Prep Time:15
Cook Time:45
Total Time:1 hour
Yield:6-8 canning jars 1x
12 Italia bell peppers
12 Sweet Stuff Hybrid bell pepper
4 big yellow onions
3 medium celeriac root
4 tablespoon salt
1cup white sugar
1cup vinegar
450ml tomato paste
Cut your peppers, onions and celeriac root into quarters or cut them into a good size to fit through the grinder.
Grind your ingredients and add your minced items into a big pot.
Add your salt, sugar and vinegar to the pot. Boil the Zarzavat for 10 minutes and add your tomato paste. Boil for another 30 minutes and taste. Add more salt if necessary.
While it boils boil your canning glass for 10-15 minutes to sterilize you glass. Turn of the heat and leave the glass in until start filling the glass. They need to be hot, before filling them or else you risk your glass exploding into pieces.
Fill your glass and leave some space the top.
Boil some oil till hot and pour it on top of your canning glass. ( Just a little layer) It will seal the mixture and prevent it from spoiling.
Close your lid well and leave it to cool completely before storing. Zarzavat will last a year without cooling.