Tag: European


Bulz is a Romanian dish that so far is eaten during lunch time in my house. It is simple to make and doesn’t require much time to cook.

Streusel Plum Cake

I grew up with Streusel Plum cake since I can remember. The best part about this dessert is that it is simple to make and the Streusel on top of the cake makes all the difference. As a small kid I would pick out the Streusel first and set them aside to keep…

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Chicken Cordon Bleu is a classic in the french cuisine and it may sound intimidating, but with good preparation you can do it! This recipe takes a lot more work but the end result will be cheesy good. 🙂

Warm German Potato Salad

There are so many different versions of this salad and this is one of my favorites. Warm Potato salad can become really heavy, but if the ingredients are set up right it can taste refreshing. Whenever you do a Barbecue or just a normal side dish, then I would recommend cooking this recipe….

Fried Eggs with Garlicky Fries!

Introducing fried eggs with garlicky fries! They are a people pleaser at my house and fill those hungry tummies quickly. This does contain garlic and you can either cook it for your family and especially your foes! 🙂 This recipe is my husbands favorite dish, besides that he loves fries and eggs. From…