Salata de Icre is a very common dish in Romania and tastes differently in some regions. This is my mother-in-laws recipe and she makes it with grit and milk. In my husbands family salata de icre is a dish for New Years Eve to grant you a successful and “swimmingly” start into the new year.

The grits and the milk make this dish surprisingly not as fishy tasting as other recipes, which I’m personally very grateful for. This Fish egg salad is very easy and quick to make and hopefully will bring you a Happy New Year to come.

Salata de Icre Ingredients:

Herring Eggs: You can use fish roe you personally enjoy. You can use Cod as well and would recommend fish eggs with light color.

Grit: The Grit will give the salad a creamy consistency and smoothness.

White Onion: Don’t use red onions or it will surely bleed thoroughly into the salad. Cut these onions as fine as possible, because you want to avoid big chunks. The onions are just there for the background taste.

Milk: I use whole milk for this recipe, but you can use skim milk.

Vegetable oil: This recipe goes for a neutral tasting oil and therefore would not use an oil like olive oil .

Mineral Water: My mother-in-law says it helps to give the salad a fluffy consistency and prevents the mixture from splitting.


Salata de Icre (Fish Egg Salad)

A Romanian Spread recipe made with Fish eggs. Don’t worry too much about the fishy taste, since you can regulate it with the amount of grit you add to the mix. It is a simple recipe made in under 30 minutes.

  • Author: Jessica
  • Prep Time: 15
  • Cook Time: 10
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 10 Slices of Bread 1x
  • Category: European
  • Method: Mixer+Pan
  • Cuisine: Romanian


Units Scale
  • 100 g Herring Fish Roe (Fish Egg of your choice)
  • 350 ml water
  • 250 g grits
  • 150 ml whole milk
  • 250 ml vegetable oil
  • 150 ml mineral water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 small white onion
  • 1/2 lemon (juiced)


  1. First you need to boil 350 ml of water and add salt and grits to it. Boil it until it thickens, which is around 5-10 minutes.
  2. Place your Fish Roe to a bowl and add the grits to it.
  3. With a stand mixer or hand mixer start combining it together.
  4. Add some warm milk to the mixture little at a time.
  5. Do the same with the oil and mineral water.
  6. Add your lemon juice and finely chopped onions and mix it until it has a smooth and spreadable consistency.
  7. Spread on bread and consume it within 3 days.


You can also wait for the grits to be completely cooled of and add your ingredients.

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