
Romanian Potato Salad (Salate de Boeuf)

Romanian Potato Salad

Even though the salad is boeuf = beef, the salad does not contain any beef. This potato salad is very common in Romania and is eaten on many occasions like Christmas or Easter. 


Units Scale
  • 5 big yukon potatoes
  • 4 medium sized carrots
  • 5 Big pickles
  • 300 g pickled peppers
  • 4 chicken breast
  • 200 g frozen peas
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 200 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Peel your potatoes and carrots and boil for about 20 minutes. You want to make sure not to overcook the potatoes, since we are not making mashed potatoes. They should feel firm but not mush.
  2. Don’t throw the water away and boil your chicken in it for about 12-15 minutes.
  3. After you boiled the chicken put your frozen peas to the water and they will thaw on their own, while you prep the rest.
  4. Let your ingredients cool down and then after they cooled off, cut them into little squares. Squeeze out the juices from the pickles and pickled peppers.
  5. Add every ingredient to a big bowl and make your mayonnaise.


  1. Place your egg yolk into a bowl and add salt and mustard to it.
  2. Drizzle oil slowly into it the egg yolk and incorporate it slowly.
  3. The consistency will get thicker and mayonnaise like.

Combine all the ingredients together with the mayonnaise and mix it up well. Add salt to it, if it isn’t enough. Store your potato salad in the fridge for up to three days.


If there is no chicken available, you can substitute it for Bologna meat.